We have always been very conscious of our place and our responsibilities within the ecosystem of our planet as well as within our industry. Environmental and social responsibility are great challenges, and require an ever growing awareness, an ever evolving sensibility, and increased and more precise actions. While we have always been engaged, that engagement can and will always be improved upon. With that in mind, we are partners of the working group “Paris Good Fashion,” and the creation of an “Eco-Guide” for sustainable practices within our industry.
In addition, our evolving corporate commitments are the following:
1. brachfeld is a plastic bottle free set
2. brachfeld limits printing of non-essential information.
3. All trash and excess is sorted & appropriately recycle/disposed. Our partner Les Joyeux Recycleurs handles the majority of our office paper & coffee.
4. brachfeld favors green transportation
5. brachfeld is a conscious company working to limit digital pollution where possible.
6. brachfeld limits use of non-toxic cleaning products.
7. Our team favors ’to go’ containers for all excess food & delivers excess to local organizations. (choice of organization depends on size and quantity of unconsumed food on a case by case basis)
8. brachfeld is proud partners with les Cafes Joyeux, the first restaurant intended to train & employ people mainly suffering from Down’s syndrome or cognitive disorders such as autism.
9. brachfeld believes in equality and equal treatment in all ways within our organization: Including women, men, and any race, nationality, cultural background, sexual orientation, or ethnicity.
10. brachfeld pays our employees as well as all of our service providers at fair wages.
11. brachfeld favors collaborations with partners who are engaged in social & environmental responsibility.
12. brachfeld engages in responsible purchasing: Organic products Local products Bulk products Reusable or multi-use products.